
R/601/1758 Unit 20, Food & Beverage Operations Management


In hospitality sector, food and beverages is one of the important element which provide better support to business organization to earn larger profitability level. For attaining better success, it is necessary for company to serve quality products and services to its customers as per their needs and wants (Food and beverage operations : Production and service, 2017). With the help of this hospitality sector easily enhance their market share and achieve better success at market place. This assignment is based on Hilton London Metropole Hotel, is a 4 star hotel which provide better quality services to its customers as per their needs and wants. Along with this, firm consider customers needs and wants their menu with the aim of providing quality services to them in order to attaining their better satisfaction. This report, discussed about characteristics of food products and its system to improve products quality for their customers. In addition of this, research also include factors which directly affect the menu and recipes. Usage of financial statement is also discussed here. Along with these recommendation also mentioned in this project which may leads in improving the product quality.

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Task 1

1.1 Characteristics of food production and food and beverage service systems

Food manufacturing system have different numbers of system methods which assist in making their operations of enterprise more effectively at each resort or hotel. Hilton London Metropole Hotel is using this concept for serving as well as making managers services and their products to their customers which are discussed below in detail:

  • Traditional: As per the process of this system, eatables products are made within kitchen as well as held for a short period of time till the time of serving arrivals. This procedure sort is followed at various shops such as vegetables, butcher etc. which are adopting these methodology for making a dishes of foods.
  • Centralised: As per this concept, manufacturing is not linked directly with the services which are given by a person who is giving services. Food are made as well as delivering to different areas of services (Davis and et. al., 2013).
  • Cook chill process: In this context, food are made as well as keep them in lower degree of temperature so that all important ingredients should not get waste along with that at a serving time to their guests is again heated and served to their customers.

This concept is beverages and food services system which is divided into different numbers of approaches. Providing of various services and products segments are given to their customers are as follows:

  • Table service: These services involve food serve as well as plate serve to their consumers at a laid table.
  • Self services: In this services sort involve different forms of counter or life buffet. Customers have to do self service as they can take want they want to eat.

1.2 Factors affecting recipes and menu for specific systems

An company have to include certain factors before making their restaurant menu card. All these factors are very useful according to their consumers choices as well as their demands (Mahalik and Nambiar, 2010). Hilton London Metropole Hotel arrange the fair of summers for this they have to set cost of their goods are discussed below:

  • Customers spending power: Main things are undertaken into account is how much customers are able to pay for their products. As managers of organisation firstly find out all kinds of groups which are ready to spend during vacations. Thus, they have to set price within the menu as per them.
  • Food manufacturing cost: Thereforemanagement have to utilize another important steps which is manufacturing cost. If they fix the resort price of goods them produce value which lead to undergo higher loss.
  • Resort location: Another important step while making the recipes as well as menu cards are located. Like Hilton London Metropole Hotel is near to city therefore, they dont have to involve sea food dishes their.

All these are some of important factors which affect their rates as well as menu cards. Hilton London Metropole Hotel have to involve them in mind along with its consideration while making a proper decisions.

1.3 Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems

Employing a right people for a right job and minimising cost are the most significant decisions which an company have to undertaken into account (Massoud and et. al., 2010). If they get fail in doing such type of things they to bear a manufacturing of products in lower quality as well as lower level of consumers satisfaction.

Some of the certain points which are associated with Hilton London Metropole Hotel along with linked to staff and cost implications:

  • Equipments: If a company is using a higher quality of materials for manufacturing then it help in incurring higher costs (Slack, Chambers and Johnston, 2010). Therefore, their producing cost is also get higher. Hilton London Metropole Hotel have to adopt advanced and latest equipments by which they can manufacture a higher quality dishes by another one.
  • Staff: Management is hiring a employees of skilled personalities for manufacturing the goods of higher quality. It incurred higher cost due to this procedure get accomplished by hiring employees by using newspapers advertisements as well as placement. It also involve the cost of manufacturing.
  • Training: It also involve certain cost due to if companies give training to workers. This factors help them in producing higher quality of goods other then any resorts.

Hilton London Metropole Hotel have to involve all point which are conducting the fair of summers at their place. This involve various points which are discussed above there are certain main terms which they have to involve while making the menu cards as well as fixed up some costs.

Along with this there are some system which helps in comparing the cost and staffing are as follows:

Buffet cheep: It is also an effective in which hotel also provide buffet cheep system to its clients which may leads in attracting them towards the company services. This will aid in company the cost and staffing implication which may leads in improving the performance level of the company.

1.4 Suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets

Hilton London Metropole Hotel is an based on restaurants in which different departments are categorised into different parts like as catering, serving etc. Therefore, all these points are involved while making any specific decisions about them. Thus, different suv divisions of groups are described below are as follows:

  • Main restaurants: System of buffet is an one of very best way by which they are cited company can provide their goods to their customers. As it assist in declining the chances of spoiled of dishes which re not prefer by their customers.
  • Coffee shops: At their place, lower numbers of staff members are working within their working environment due to persons go because of spending some time or hours for their peace of mind as well as relaxation while sitting in Hilton London Metropole Hotel and having their products.
  • Dinning Restaurants: In this context, organisations which are cited have to give services within table where they will serve eatables dishes on tables for their customers (Taj and Morosan, 2011).

This concept is used by Hilton London Metropole Hotel while making their consumers higher satisfied by which they can generate higher numbers of revenue.


Cost and staffing is one of the important aspect for food and beverage system which may lead in improving the effectiveness of the entire system of the firm. For attaining better success at market place, it is necessary for firm to offer quality food and services to their clients so that they easily retain them for longer period of time. Along with this, display of the food should be attractive on table which helps in inviting as well as satisfying customers needs and wants in most effective way which direct contribute in attaining beneficial results.

Task 2

2.1 Use of financial statements in food and beverage operations

These statements are always aid n making effective plans of activities for every as well as each assignment. It help in supporting a company while making an successful events. Thus, Hilton London Metropole Hotel is going to conduct fair in summer for that it is important for them to have proper fund. Their are some effective use of concepts for which they can take out proper decisions. Some of the points are discussed in detail below:

  • By evaluating a organisation statement of finance are analysed their goals which are for long term. Therefore, their should be accurate finance.
  • By the assist of their records, it is very easy fo successful planning event in which they can satisfy their customers.
  • It also aid in setting some cost which is proper for every groups of employees.

Hilton London Metropole Hotel managers follows recognised as per their operating statement of organisation. It consider income, cash flow and balance sheet statement which are discussed in detail below:

  • Cash flow statement: Reports which are monthly based which shows about the outflow as well as inflow. It companies outflow of cash is is highly compared to cash inflows they use proper steps by which they can manage their work.
  • Income statement: In this assignment, performance of organisational finance at a period of accounting. In this expenses as well as revenue are having different columns for which all gains and profits are come in column of revenue in which all losses and expenses are treated as firms expenses (Zenk And et. al., 2014).
  • Balance sheet: It assist in finding out net liabilities and assets of an company which is very important concept. Property of assets are owned by companies where as liabilities are all debts of the organisations which they have to in their long and short terms.

Cost statement: this report is mainly made for measuring all price which is directly related with project cost.

2.2 Use of cost and pricing processes

It is important for management to set their products range for increasing overall sales of the company at market place. Along with this, firm also set fixed cost in their account as per requirements of the customers. In this context there are two types of pricing techniques which used by Hilton London Metropole Hotel with their foo sectors. With the help of this, company easily set their products cost as per its needs and demand in the market. In case company found that any material show high cost of manufacturing then they set their products value accordingly (Taylor and Duodu, 2015). This will aid in enhancing the profitability level of the company at marker place. All these can be understood by following points:

  • Value based pricing: It is an important technology which may helps in determining cost of the products ans services. For setting product cost, it is important for management to consider the customers needs and opinion before setting products value which may leads in improving the performance level of the company. It also aid in setting the product price is more affordable to every type of customers.
  • Competition based pricing: Under this type of technology, management of the company set their values and cost of the products as per market trends and situation. Along with this, firm also include standard services and quality of the products at the time of setting the products price. This will aid in enhancing the overall performance of the company and at the same time also capture customers attention towards the products and services.

Both technologies as well as methods helps in evaluating the product values and standard which may helps in providing better satisfaction to their customers their needs and wants.

2.3 Analyse the purchasing process

Purchasing process consider as an effective activity in relation of acquiring foods and services. With the help of this, company established their goals and objectives. In this context there are some steps which helps in analysing the purchasing process are as follows:

  • Need recognition: It is important for catering manager of Hilton London Metropole Hotel to determine as well as evaluate the customers needs towards the product. With the help of this firm serve quality services as per customers needs (Grekova and et. Al., 2016).
  • Information search: After recognize the needs, manager conduct survey on their customers in order to collect information form them. With the help of this management of the company easily take appropriate decision towards the company products.
  • Evaluation of alternatives: Under this, customers determine the alternatives. For example, if selected hotel fails in providing them quality services then customers select alternative option to satisfy their needs.
  • Purchase decision: Under this stage, actual purchasing of the product take place in which hotel provide quality of food services to their customers in order to provide them better satisfaction level.
  • Post purchase decision: In this customers evaluate their satisfaction level after consuming the products of the hotel. In case, if firm does not provide quality services the it negatively affect on the customers satisfaction. By this customers define negative feedback.
  • Delivery: Under this, company deliver quality services to its customers as per customers needs and demand which may leads in enhancing the overall performance level at market place.
  • Procurement: It is also an effective process which helps in finding as well as acquiring goods in effective manner in which company easily provide better satisfaction to their customers as per their needs.

All these elements are helps in determining the purchasing analysis which may leads in attaining the better satisfaction level to the customers which directly affect the overall success of the hotel by enhancing their sales volume (Giritlioglu, Jones and Avcikurt, 2014).


It examine that, it is important for business organization to set the price of the products which may leads in enhancing the profitability level of this company. In this context there are two type of methods which used by the company to analyse the factors that affect the entire activities of food and beverages. Both techniques are Value based pricing, Competition based pricing. Both approaches directly contribute in enhancing the profitability level of the Hotel at market place.


Financial statement play vital role in food and beverage operations which may leads in improving the overall performance of the company. Basically, it define entire flows of finance which determine the overall sales and profitability level of the firm at market place. For attaining better results, management of all the financial terms is necessary for company to take better decision towards the menu recopies and ingredients as well. The main advantage of using financial statement is to record as well as maintain entire expenses in most effective ways which may leads in determining the actual performance.

Task 3

3.1 Compile food and beverage menu for a hospitality event

Event is an action which launch as well as conduct by business organization to promote their activities and products as well. With the help of this they easily enhance their profitability level by delivering quality services to its customers. It is important for Hilton London Metropole Hotel to compile their food and beverages menu for conducting the event. This will aid in enhancing the probability level of the company in most effective manner. In this they set their products range as per customers requirements. By this firm grab customers attention towards the event in order to establishing better brand image at market place.




Hot and cold coffee

Veg sandwich


Star gold

Mixed chicken puff


Mix vanilla

Veg grill puff

Veg burger

Mix buster

Mozzarella puff

Butter albino

 This by this hotel easily provide better services to their customers who join the event. By this firm enhance their profitability level (Hennessy and et. al., 2014).

3.2 The selection and suitability of recipes for menu

According to menu card there are various things which are new within nature. As per peoples majority who are coming which are belong to Britain thus, goods are including as per their nature. Some points are discussed in detail below:

  • Customer preferences: while involving their dishes in menu cards. They organise a survey which is organised on various persons of groups. With the helping them in a proper sample of menu card has been made by summer fair management.
  • Menu choice: In this, there are generally all some things which are one of famous for children and adults. They give much preference to the adults due to higher ratio of children.
  • Meals according to event: Diets are given by management is not so high. Thus, consumers can come as well as enjoy high without feeling tired and hungry (Buted And et. al., 2014). So they sort their menu card ID according to their events of Hilton London Metropole Hotel.


As per today's time frame, food is one of the important thing which offer to the customers as per their needs and wants. With the help of this company attain satisfaction level. In context of Hilton London Metropole Hotel, they make as well as prepare an effective menu card which made as per customers needs and requirements. Number of group and people comes there where event has been conducted for spending their time.

Task 4

4.1 Plan a food and beverage service for a hospitality event within an agreed budget

It is important for hotel to set an agreed budget for event which define actual cost of entire activities of the event. For example, the budget of event is £ 8000 and the number of people who wants to be a part of this event is 200 in which 150 are adults and rest are children. In this the calculation cost are as follows:

Transportation: 10*200= 2000

Tickets: 14*200= 2800

Food: 8*200= 1600

Amusements usage: 3*200= 600

Beverages: 4* 150= 600

Other amenities: 2* 200= 400

4.2 The planned service maintaining standards of quality and health, safety and security

It is important for Hotel to implementing of entire planned services which may leads in maintaining the standard of the product quality in most effective manner. In this various number of individual use number of techniques for making better success at market place (Byker And et. al., 2014). As a food and beverages company it is important for them to include quality standard, safety and security as well. With the help of this, firm provide better satisfaction to their customers in most effective manner. In this context, there are standards which set by them in their production are as follows:

  • The quality standard: This standard include various elements which is related with the quality of food and beverages at the time of planning of the production. Mainly the overall success of the entire event is highly based on the quality standard which helps in improving the overall performance level. With the help of this hotel enhance their profitability level at market place.
  • Health and safety: It play important role in making a successful event which may leads in improving the satisfaction level of the customers at the time of event. Along with this, they also have to kept safe environment at event in order to reduce the chances of arising any kind of issues and problems. By this they maintain safe environment in which guest and customers feel free and get better satisfaction level.
  • Security issue: It is important for hotel to provide security to their customers at the time of conducting event. Better security helps in enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers within the event. Along with this, a secure environment of event is main advantage for business organization to attain better success by providing them quality services to its customers.

All these are standard are helps in maintaining the standard of the quality which may leads in improving the customers satisfaction. This will aid in enhancing the profitability level. Along with this company also communicate with their customers to provide them quality products and services which may leads in making the successful event (Kariuki and Kamau, 2014). With the help of this, firm maximize their profitability level by reducing all the issues within their event.

4.3 Factors to determine the success of the service, making recommendation for improvement

Overall success can be attain by evaluating as well as analysing the entire factors. With the help of this company improve their products quality in order to attain larger market share form its rivals. (Hashim and et. al., 2015). If any kind of negative impact occur then hotel consider as an important aspect which contribute in improving the product quality in most effective manner. In this context, there are some recommendation in various areas for improvement within the business organization are as follows:

  • Proper communication: It is more important for the Hilton London Metropole Hotel to conduct proper as well as healthy communication with their customers which may leads in understanding their needs and wants. With the help of this effective communication company easily get relevant information towards the customers and their taste. With the help of this they improve their products quality in order to maximize profitability level.
  • Feedback: It is also an effective recommendation in which company should take feedback from their customers towards the products and services. With the help of this manager of the company make necessary modification with their services to improve standard in most effective manner (Jackson and Hu, 2014). By this factor company make improvements in the event for attaining positive outcomes.
  • Determination of cost: Under this factor, the management of the company determine the cost of the products and services in order to make effective process. With the help of this Hilton London Metropole Hotel easily improve their standard of the event.

Thus, it is important for business organization to invite large number of customers for attaining better success at market place. With the help of this, company improve products quality and services which directly contribute in capturing larger market share. For this, Hilton London Metropole Hotel promote their products and serving quality services to its customers in order to attain profitability level. Along with this, there are various terms which may leads in making successful event:

  • Standard and quality: It is also an important aspect which helps in taking better decision towards the product quality in order to maintain better image at market place (Larson and et. al., 2014).
  • Cost: It is another areas in which firm spent more money in order to making a successful event which may leads in reducing the firm cost.


It is one of the important activity for business organization to manage and organise all the substantial activities in relation to service plan which may leads in attaining positive outcomes. By making effective plan company easily offer their quality services to their customers as per their needs and wants which may leads in attaining their higher satisfaction level. By making appropriate budget towards the events aid in attaining desirable goals and objectives in set period of time.


It is also important for the company to communicate with their customers for taking their feedback which may leads in in improving the performance level of the company at market place. In this, feedback, proper communication, determined the cost and many more. Along with this, The quality standard, Health and safety, Security issue also helps in improving the customers satisfaction in most effective manner. This will directly contribute in attaining better success at market place.

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From the above mentioned report it has been concluded that, food and beverage play vital role in developing the hospitality industry at market place. By serving quality food and services company easily earn more profits from their customers. For attaining better growth level, it is important for business organization to serve quality services as per customers needs and wants. With the help of this company easily provide better satisfaction to their customers which directly contribute in enhancing the brand image at market place. Along with this, for improving the product quality, manager have to take feedback and reviews from the customers in relation of products. This will aid in attaining better success at market place.


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